• No.24, Sarawathi Street, Kasivisalatchipuram, Keelkattalai, Chennai-600117
  • balaji@yttnetworks.com
  • Office Hours: 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM


Face recognition is a way of identifying a person from a digital image or video. It is a rapidly evolving technology with a wide range of applications, from law enforcement and security to personal use.


Access Control systems are used in a variety of settings, from businesses to government buildings to schools. They help ensure that only authorized people are able to enter a facility. There are many different types of access control systems, but they all have one common goal

One type of access control system is a face + finger + card system. This system uses a combination of facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, and a card reader to verify a person’s identity. This type of system is often used in high-security settings, such as military facilities or government buildings.

Here’s how a face + finger + card system works:

First, a person’s face is scanned by a camera. This image is then compared to a database of known faces. If the person’s face matches a face in the database, the system will allow them to proceed.

Next, the person’s fingerprint is scanned. This fingerprint is then compared to a database of known fingerprints. If the person’s fingerprint matches a fingerprint in the database, the system will allow them to proceed.

Finally, the person’s card is swiped through a card reader. This card contains information


Card systems are one of the most important aspects of a business. They help to keep track of inventory, customers, and employees. A face and card system can also help to increase security and protect your business from theft. There are many different types of card systems available, so it is important to choose the right one for your business.

One type of card system is a magnetic stripe system. This system uses a stripe on the back of the card to store information. The stripe is read by a magnetic reader. This type of system is often used in retail stores.

Another type of card system is an RFID system. This system uses radio waves to read the information on the card. RFID systems are often used in hospitals and other places where security is important.

yet another system is the barcode system. Barcodes are read by a scanner. This type of system is often used in libraries and grocery stores.

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